Mandog Trench Tools

🔹 Basic Service (Tokengated)

Includes Top 20 Bundle Analysis in Telegram and Chrome Extention

  1. Install the browser extension: Mandog Trench Tools
  2. Link your wallet via @ManDogMFbot using the /link command
  3. Hold more than XXXXX of the $XXXXX token in your linked wallet.
  4. Happy trenching with the basic package of Mandog Trench Tools telegram bot.

🔥 Subscription Service (Premium)

Includes Top 200 Bundle Analysis in Telegram and Chrome Extention

  1. Install the browser extension: Mandog Trench Tools
  2. Subscribe via @ManDogMFbot using the /subscribe.
  3. Confirm the 30-day payment transaction.
  4. (Optional) Update your device in case of device change via @ManDogMFbot if needed.
  5. Happy trenching with the premium package of Mandog Trench Tools telegram bot.